We provide an interdisciplinary curriculum approach for more enhanced, connected learning. Our Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science project and problem-based curriculum is based on award winning units from William & Mary College of Gifted Education. Our math curriculum is based on Singapore Math, Project M3 units developed by the University of Connecticut, Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development, and Math Olympiads.

Language Arts
Using an inquiry based approach, students explore and master language mechanics and literary analysis through novel study, poetry, creative writing, essays and classic literature.

Using an invesitgative and cooperative learning approach, students learn to research and analyze data, design and conduct experiments, evaluate results and meaningfully present their findings.

Social Studies
Through exploring stories of ordinary and extraordinary people and an analysis of primary sources, literature, art and music, students discover our connections to the past and its impact on the present.

Field Trips
Field trips are an integral part of the Revo Academy curriculum. They offer students greater experiential opportunities to further integrate classroom lessons and make meaningful, real-world connections.