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“The student most neglected in terms of realizing full potential, is the gifted student of mathematics.” National Council of Teachers of Mathematics


The core of our math program is the research based Singapore Math curriculum. This curriculum meets national standards with a focus on topic mastery. In addition, teachers integrate Project M3 math units. These award winning units were designed by a team of national experts in the fields of mathematics and gifted education from the University of Connecticut, Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. Students also particapte in Math Olympiads.

Math Lower Elementary

Lower Elementary, K-2nd

Beginning in kindergarten, our students are introduced to "in-depth" math and are challenged to think and act like mathematicians  Our core math curriculum, Singapore Math, meets and exceeds national math standards. Students begin with understanding small numbers, quantities, and simple shapes in their everyday environments.  With our supplemental curriculum, Project M2 math units, students make sense of problems and persevere in problem solving, learn to construct and critique arguments, and solve real-world problems.


Students preparing to transition to upper elementary show mastery of numbers and place value to 1,000, adding and subtracting three digit numbers, beginning multiplication and division, writing fractions, metric system measurements, area and three dimensional shapes. 


Upper Elementary, 3rd-5th

Math Upper Elementary

Upper elementary students deepen their understanding of place value, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with larger numbers.  Meeting and exceeding national standards, students' progress to more advanced math concepts such as decimals, area, perimeter and angles.


Upper elementary students begin Project M3 units. These units allow students to explore an interesting simulated or real-life problem connected to their world and use their Mathematician’s Journals to think, write, and act like mathematicians to solve the problem. The focus is communication, reasoning, connections and problem solving.


In addition, upper elementary students participate in Math Olympiads. This gives students the opportunity to explore non-routine problems that stretch their critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Math Middle School

Middle School, 6th-8th

Click here to read about our middle school program.

gifted learner school

1250 Erbes Road.

Thousand Oaks, CA. 91362


gifted learner school
gifted learner school


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